Builders of the nation

The homage to the football idols Karli Odermatt and Heinz Hermann captivates with a pleasantly unagitated dramaturgy, the renunciation of showmanship and a sensitive questioning.
The focus is not on the nostalgic football cult, but on the charisma of two absolutely exceptional talents. From the sixties to the eighties, they both helped shape their sport with such intelligence and willingness to win, and as exciting personalities they reflected the spirit of the times.
Angelo A. Lüdin's film is a timeless, respectful and sensitive approach to the popular Karl 'Karli' Odermatt and the spirituality of the introverted family man and trained glassblower Heinz 'the blond angel' Hermann.

Category: Documentary film
From: Angelo A. Lüdin
Status: Archive pearl
Production Year: 1990

Language: Swiss German
Subtitles: German
Duration: 70 min
Format: PAL 4:3
Sound: Stereo


Script and Director
Angelo Lüdin

Pio Corradi, Otmar Schmid, Thomas Krempke

Mirjam Krakenberger

Martin Witz, Ingrid Städeli

Heinz Hermann, Karl Odermatt

© 1990 AAL Film Production


DVD Cover (PDF)