Entschriftung der Greifengasse

Unambiguous designations of economic territories glaringly penetrate the field of vision when walking through a shopping street. Unintentional readings always take place and influence the flow of thoughts of passers-by. After tough negotiations with the shop owners, it was possible to cover all the writings in the Greifengasse in Basel for 5 days.
The action took place from 20 to 24 June 1983 as part of a call for tenders by the Kunstkredit Basel.

➔ Film in full length

Category: Art video
From: Reinhard Manz

Status: Archive pearl
Year of production: 1983
Duration: 7 min


Art Intervention
Reinhard Manz

Reinhard Manz, Hansruedi Gysin

Text and Voice
Reinhard Manz