
UNIGLORY is a black and white video in colour. The images were shot on film with a camera in which the film runs first in one direction and then in the other. At the end, the film is cut in two.

The video shows a couple kissing all the time in a deserted area where cargo trains are passing in the background, once from left to right and then from right to left. The area is inhabited by all kinds of animals: Rabbits, birds, bees, spiders, deer, centipedes, etc.

The soundtrack of the video uses natural and mechanical sounds: train sirens, crickets, diesel engines, a metal plate, water rushing, iron wheels ...
The composition of these sounds forms the dramaturgical structure of the video.

UNIGLORY is a video about the longing for heaven on earth.

Category: Art video
From: Uri Urech

Status: Archive pearl
Year of production: 2003
Duration: 15 min


Idea and Implementation
Uri Urech